超异能快感是一部喜剧,爱情,奇幻片,莎莉(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)和吉莉(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)是一对感情十分要好的姐妹,表面上和常人无异的她们,实则出生在一个世世代代研习巫术的魔法家庭。姐妹两人的父母皆已去世,究其原因,要归结于笼罩在整个家族之上的诅咒——家族中女人们若与男人相爱,必将死于非命。 多年后,莎莉和吉莉长大成为了充满魅力的女性,尽管被诅咒的阴影所困,但她们的内心里依然充满着对于异性和爱情的憧憬。很快,莎莉就邂逅了她的真命天子,不顾家人的反对,她毅然同他结婚生子。同时,吉莉也陷入了与浪子杰米(高兰·维斯耶克 Goran Visnjic 饰)的情感纠葛中,两姐妹就此失散。当命运的不幸让她们再度聚首之后,她们都已经饱尝了失去爱人的痛苦滋味,内心倔强的二人决定潜心研究魔法,誓要同命运一决高下。
Sisters Sally and Gillian Owens have a special bond with each other despite being different in personality and outlook. Having grown up with their spinster Aunts Frances and Jet in the long time Owens family home on an island off the coast of Massachusetts following the death of their father and then their mother, they are the latest in a long line of witches. Rumors of the Owens women being witches have existed for generations in the small close minded town in which they live, despite there being no hard evidence. The Owens women are also under a curse that any man with who they fall in love is doomed. With this experience, extroverted Gilly decides to leave the island to live life to the fullest, in the process falling for Jimmy Angelov, an ethnic Bulgarian who grew up near Transylvannia. More introspective Sally, who has sworn off the use of magic except in its most practical sense, has taken measures not to fall in love because of the curse, but ends up falling for and marrying Michael, a local merchant, the two who end up having two daughters of their own. The curse works its way into both Gilly and Sally's lives in different ways. The outcomes of the curse on their collective lives become more complicated with the arrival into town of Tuscon police detective Gary Hallet, whose arrival is not by accident and involves more than just his stated professional purpose.
一句话评论:花未眠。欲成佛,先成魔。挺扯的。for the love whatever you can。Film Review "Practical Magic"。用魔法 遇见 爱情 被给机会便是缘分。Sandra Bullock。最好的。超异能快感 = 妮可的麻辣鲜香+桑德拉的鲜醇浓厚。演员阵容强大 片子一般!。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
超异能快感 Practical Magic (1998) | 繁體中文字幕 | IDX+SUB,SRT |
Practical.Magic.1998.720p.BluRay.x264-Ci | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
超异能快感 Practical Magic (1998) | 繁體中文字幕 | IDX+SUB,SRT |
Practical.Magic.1998.720p.BluRay.x264-Ci | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |