斗魔王杰克 罪恶之城篇(1988) /Violence Jack: Evil Town

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:44
年份: 1988  / 地区: 日本 
类型:动作 科幻 动画  / 豆瓣:8.0分 / IMDB:5.4分
演员:小林清志 青野武 広瀬正志 安藤ありさ 千叶繁 仲木隆司 中原茂 松本保典 堀内贤雄 
语言:日语  / 片长:
斗魔王杰克 罪恶之城篇剧情介绍

The World as we know it has been torn apart shattered by a series of natural disasters that have turned civilization into a brutish nightmare of survival and has left whole cities buried beneath the Earth. It's now a lethal and chaotic place, a place where only the strongest and most savage remain alive. The strongest of them all is a giant warrior known as Violence Jack... Violence Jack tries to avert a civil war brewing among the wretched inhabitants of a subterranean metropolis called Evil Town...

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