夜半2点钟是一部喜剧,恐怖片,(1)《化装》∶失业多时的化装师好不容易找到一份工作,就是为女星伊娃修补被火毁容的脸孔,但她渐渐觉得不对劲,原来伊娃早已死於大火,是她的鬼魂在作祟。 (2)《猛鬼电视台》∶三个电视台姐仔跟踪天皇巨星黄昏,想揭发他的绯闻,想不到见到其女友的真容竟令她们仓忙逃命。究竟是什么令他们惊慌失措呢? (3)《幽灵广告》∶广告界新丁在拍一个广告时发现玩火车捐山窿的小朋友多了一个。接着怪事频频发生。
The sequel to "1:00 A.M," bringing you another three ghostly stories. First, see what happens when a costumer uses the mask of a dead actress to design a new wig. Second, witness three actresses' curiosity-gone-bad when they discover that their agent is messing around with the spirit of a deceased woman. And third, watch a commercial film-shoot cut short when the filmmakers are haunted by the apparition of a young boy.
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