衣食住行(1989) Creature Comforts/物质享受 / 动物悟语 / 住的舒服吗

更新:2019-06-25 03:06:35
年份: 1989  / 地区: 英国 
类型:喜剧 动画 短片 家庭  / 豆瓣:8.0分 / IMDB:7.8分
演员:Julie Sedgewick 
语言:英语  / 片长:

衣食住行是一部喜剧,动画,短片,家庭片,这是一个看起来并没有那么出奇的访谈。某剧组来到动物园,对这里的动物进行采访,请他们谈一谈住在动物园的感受。北极熊家族要求更好的护理设备以确保动物的生存,以防止可能到来的人类自相残杀。美洲狮无比怀念在巴西的美好岁月,他已经厌烦了寒冷和蔬菜。河马弟弟反映笼子太小,环境恶劣。 狐猴、乌龟、犰狳似乎到对当前的现状表示满意。不同的出发点,不同的生长地,动物们彼此有着不同的看法……   本片据说是剧组实现采访英国街头看起来像移民的普通人,并将他们的采访音频移植到动画短片中制作而成。该片荣获1991年第63届奥斯卡电影节最佳动画短片奖。

Off camera, with her microphone in view, an interviewer asks creatures at the zoo to talk about how they like their accommodations, what's good and what's bad, and what they miss about their old land. The animals interviewed include a family of polar bears - the youngest of whom likes it there, a large Brazilian cat (who misses the space and the heat of the Amazon), an ape who's a bit bored, a lemur, a turtle who reads for escape, and a chicken who compares her life favorably to the lives of her sisters in the circus. They talk about what they eat, their cramped and smelly quarters, and the technology of zoo life. They're thoughtful, philosophical, and reasoned.

一句话评论:追求生活质量,崇尚自由空间。粘贴。伦敦街上的人。big deal。
