In this television series adaptation of the Bruce Lee movie, Chen Zhen is a young farmer whose family has been killed by thieves. Along with his sister, he goes to Shanghai to find a way to rebuild his land. However, it is not long before he gets into trouble with a local gang and because of his kung fu skills, ends up joining the gang. It is not long before Chen meets Master Fok Yuen-Gaap, the man who changes Chen Zhen's life. Chen joins Fok's school, falls for a Japanese woman, and fights to keep the honor of the school, all while the Japanese have taken over the territory in pre-World War II Shanghai.
一句话评论:[转]陈真——一个久远的男人梦。甄子丹的精武门是香港电视剧的精品 zz。(转) 我眼中的蔡六斤。两部“精武门”电影人物形象比较zz。习武只是一条途径。永远的六爷。《精武门》属电视剧精品,本人废寝忘食30集一次看完。陈真。打得太好看了。观剧笔记:儿时想成为的那个人。
下载信息 | 大小 | 日期 |
【480p标清中文字幕】精武门 精武門迅雷下载.1995.10.52gb.torrent | 10.52GB | 2021-08-26 |
精武门.30集全.DVD-MKV.1995年.5.12GB.国粤双语 | 5.14 GB | 2019-05-11 |
【1995年】ATV《精武门》DVD-MKV 双语中字 30集全 | 10.49 GB | 2019-05-11 |
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
精武门 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |