
In the distant future, technology on Earth has regressed to World War I levels. Mankind's enormous twenty-kilometer-long space colonies and advanced weapons such as mobile suits have long since been forgotten, relics of a past age. However, an advanced civilization still exists on the moon, and this Moonrace, led by Queen Dianna Soreil, is about ready to come home. As the initial invasion begins, Loran Cehack, a Moonrace agent sent ahead of time and then hired by the Heim family as a driver, is at his coming of age ceremony when the centerpiece of the ceremony, the mysterious statue known as White Doll, crumbles and reveals the fully functional and very advanced Turn A Gundam. The Earth's Militia force now has something more advanced than biplanes to throw at Dianna Counter's 40-meter-tall mobile suits, and the scales are tipped further in the Militia's favor when they begin to unearth from mountains mobile suits of their own...

一句话评论:这是一部不向商业化妥协的作品,故而是一部精美的艺术品。TURN A GUNDAM – 化蝶为茧。完美的句点。蜕变的月光蝶,蜕变的人类。高达 for all。在黑历史的中心呼唤未来-记"Turn A Gundam"。倒a简评。逆a,回归即终焉。在黑历史的中心呼唤未来-记"Turn A Gundam"。鸡肋。
