Two and a half years after the previous episode, Carrie seems to have built a new life for herself and her daughter in a new city (Berlin) away from the CIA. Then the CIA Berlin get hacked and lose 1,361 important classified documents. One of the documents is sent to Carrie's colleague, Laura, who wants to publish it. In the meantime Saul and Quinn get comfortable in Berlin.
一句话评论:人人都说她疯了。Season05 分集剧情,更新至 Episode12, 本季终。。Why is this man different。我们需要劳拉这样的记者吗?。肯负生平多少事,斜风细雨直须归——东言西语说《国土》。你是我生命中的微光。国土安全第五季-反恐战争中人性的思考。Homeland S05 观剧留存(Bourne闪影)全季终。the last letter。“故土”。