夏日时光机是一部喜剧,科幻片,这是一个热得不能再热的夏天。科幻协会的7位好朋友:河本(瑛太饰)、曾我(与座嘉秋饰)、遙(上野樹里饰)等人逗留在学校里玩耍。某日,他们在房间的一角突然发现了一个凭空冒出的时光机! 心绪激荡的众人开始讨论起他们的时光之旅,他们一致决定要回到昨天拿回不小心弄坏的空调遥控器——这天气,没空调可不好活啊。 穿越时空的人并不是游刃有余的,肆意更改过去可能会引起不良后果,“严重的话,一切都会消失。”研究员穗积(佐々木蔵之介饰)下出如此判断。大家开始恐慌起来,为了一个小小的遥控器,他们竟会因此消失吗?
5 college boys, Takuma, Masaru, Shunsuke, Atsushi and Daigo all belong to sci-fi club, but they are not interested in science at all. They usually just hang around, play baseball or card, or take bath at the public bath. One day, they accidentally spill Coke on the remote controller of the air-conditioner. In the sweating bath-like clubroom, suddenly a time machine appears. Eventually, they decide to go back to "yesterday" to bring the remote-controller. The mission ought to be quite easy, however, gradually they come to be worried. "What if we change the past? Aren't we going to disappear like in movies?"
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
夏日时光机.Summer.Time.Machine.Blues.2005.108 | 简体中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
夏日时光机.Summer.Time.Machine.Blues.2005.108 | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
夏日时光机.Summer.Time.Machine.Blues.2005.108 | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |