赤发的白雪姬(2015) 赤髪の白雪姫/红发的白雪公主 / Snow White with the Red Hair


赤发的白雪姬是一部剧情,爱情,动画片,个性活泼开朗的白雪(早见沙织 配音)拥有一头美丽炫目的红发,从小生活在深山之中,令白雪拥有着超越常人的敏锐和活力。让白雪没有想到的是,自己竟然即将被迫嫁给好色而又愚笨的拉冀王子(福山润 配音)为妾,桀骜不驯的白雪发誓绝不向命运屈服。在留下了一束红发之后,白雪离开了家乡   在前往邻国的途中,白雪邂逅了克拉利涅斯王国的二皇子千(逢坂良太 配音),跟随着千的,是忠心耿耿的两位侍从木木(名冢佳织 配音)和光秀(梅原裕一郎 配音)。在得知了千的真实身份之后,白雪决定放弃自己的一切,追随千来到他的王国,辅佐千,成为他的左膀右臂。

Shirayuki was a young girl born with unique apple-red hair. She meets a famous but foolish Prince Raji, who falls in love with her at first sight and orders her to become his concubine. With nowhere else to go, Shirayuki cuts her hair and escapes to a neighboring country. While traversing through the forests, she meets a young boy, Zen, who helps her after she boldly cures his wounds but then gets poisoned by an apple given to Shirayuki. Meanwhile, Prince Raji sends out henchmen to search for her. What will happen to Shirayuki? What is Zen's true character? A fantasy story between an optimistic heroine and a prince who constantly stays on her watch.

