地心历险记2:神秘岛是一部动作,科幻,冒险片,历险新片《地心历险记2:神秘岛》,源于17岁的肖恩•安德森(乔什•哈切森饰演)收到的一组发自无人知晓的神秘岛密码求救信号。 因为无法劝阻肖恩追踪信号来源,肖恩的继父汉克(道恩•强森饰演)只能陪着他一起踏上这段南太平洋之行。而他们最终的目的地,是一座没几个活人亲眼见过的岛屿。那里风光旎丽,鸟语花香;珍禽异兽,应有尽有;金山火山,叹为观止;是座无奇不有的神秘天堂。 他们俩只找到一个,愿意跟他们铤而走险的直升机驾驶员,嘎巴托(路易斯•古兹曼饰演),和他美丽,坚强的女儿凯兰尼(凡妮莎•哈金斯饰演),四人一起踏上了这段寻岛之旅。一路上他们不仅仅拯救了岛上唯一的人类居民,更在地震冲击波淹没岛屿,埋葬其无限宝藏之前,逃出生天。这一切的一切,都发生在《地心历险记2:神秘岛》上,这是继2008年全球大获成功的《历险之旅1:地心游记》后,另一段惊心动魄的历险故事。
The 17-year-old Sean Anderson receives a coded signal and his stepfather Hank helps him to decipher the message. They find that Sean's grandfather Alexander Anderson has found the mysterious island in the Pacific described by Jules Verne and two other writers in their novels. The stubborn Sean wants to travel to the coordinates and Hank decides to buy the tickets and travel with the teenager to a small island nearby the location. They rent an old helicopter owned by the locals Gabato and his teenage daughter Kailani and the group heads to the unknown spot. Along their journey, they cross a hurricane and crash on the island. They find a beautiful and dangerous place, surrounded by forests, volcanoes with lava of gold and menacing life forms. They also meet the old Alexander and Hank discovers that the island is sinking. Now their only chance to survive is to find the legendary Nautilus.
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
地心历险记2:神秘岛.Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Isla | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
地心历险记2:神秘岛Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Islan | 双语字幕 | ASS/SSA,SUP |
地心历险记2神秘岛JOURNEY.2.THE.MYSTERIOUS.ISLAND | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT,ASS/SSA |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | English字幕 | SRT |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
地心历险记2:神秘岛Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Islan | 双语字幕 | ASS/SSA,SUP |
地心历险记2神秘岛JOURNEY.2.THE.MYSTERIOUS.ISLAND | 简体中文字幕,English字幕,双语字幕 | SRT,ASS/SSA |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | English字幕 | SRT |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | 繁體中文字幕 | SRT |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | 简体中文字幕 | SRT |
地心冒險2 神秘島 Journey 2 The Mysterious Islan | 繁体 , 英文 | srt , ass |
Journey.2.The.Mysterious.Island.2012.720 | 简体 , 英文 | srt , ass |