人类衰退之后是一部剧情,动画,冒险片,《人类衰退以后》是田中罗密欧所著、山崎透担任插图绘制的日本轻小说作品。作为Gagaga文库的创刊轻小说之一,从2007年5月开始刊载至今,历经4年销量一直保持良好。 故事的时代背景是现在的人类衰退之后经过了好几个世纪,人类因为不明原因而导致出生率严重下降,未来人类的人口 大幅锐减,不要说发展,连文明的传承都没有办法了,人类正慢慢地退出历史的舞台。而取代人类出现在地球上的则是一种很像童话故事中才会出现的不明生物妖精。妖精的平均身高只有10公分,三头身的妖精们却拥有高度的智慧,而且非常喜欢吃糖果点心。作为最后一届的毕业生女主角(中原麻衣 配音)毕业之后就回到故乡樟树之里去接续祖父的工作,成为负责斡旋在妖精与人类之间的重要国际公务员“调停官”。虽然如此,由于妖精很少跟人类接触,因此她根本没啥工作可作,因此她想要好好研究妖精的生态。
After years of declining birth rates that has forced the human race to cede more and more territory to beings known as "Fairies," only a handful of humans remain among what's left over from human civilization while the rest of the world is dominated by these new highly intelligent creatures. However, despite humanity's diminishing importance, our young unnamed heroine (aka 'I' or 'Watashi') decides to take over her grandfather's position as a mediator between the races. She expected it to be an effortless job, but it turns out that it is nowhere near as straightforward as she had imagined, much to her dismay. Nevertheless, she will persist by maintaining good relations with the fairies while putting up with their strange, and sometimes irritating, habits.
一句话评论:披着羊皮的狼——小评《人类衰退之后》。关于ep7,8 妖精们的时间活用法 的个人解释。从老虚说人衰、以及其他。1。今日、人类也在绝赞衰退中!。蛋糕里的蓝纹奶酪。由“妖精”说开去。不必须是“讽刺现实”,但是很有趣不是吗。一点都不关助手的事哦。番后小引: Remind human of theirselves / god。
字幕信息 | 语言 | 来源 |
人类衰退之后/Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita/人類は衰退 | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
人类衰退之后/Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita/人類は衰退 | 简体中文字幕,繁體中文字幕 | ASS/SSA |
TSDM+千夏×DHR×萌猫+轻之国度+诸神 | 简体 , 繁体 , 日本 | ass |