1950's Los Angeles is the seedy backdrop for this intricate noir-ish tale of police corruption and Hollywood sleaze. Three very different cops are all after the truth, each in their own style: Ed Exley, the golden boy of the police force, willing to do almost anything to get ahead, except sell out; Bud White, ready to break the rules to seek justice, but barely able to keep his raging violence under control; and Jack Vincennes, always looking for celebrity and a quick buck until his conscience drives him to join Exley and White down the one-way path to find the truth behind the dark world of L.A. crime.
一句话评论:没有赢家,只有来来往往的演员的更换。复杂剧情片的完美典范。4 cops 与 RolloTomasi。【严重剧透】大BOSS的时间线。这是最好的洛杉矶,这是最差的洛杉矶。洛城机密。《洛杉矶机密》电影剧本。令人着迷的复杂交错的人性。350个字多一字也不行之《洛城机密》。FIFF21丨DAY6圆桌《洛城机密》:“没有人比我更懂黑色电影”。