一万年以后(2015)/天籁:一万年以后 / 10000 Years Later

更新:2024-06-20 05:06:49
年份: 2015  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:动作 动画 奇幻  / 豆瓣:5.4分 / IMDB:5.4分
演员:珠玛 亚拉亚姆 易立 王翀 王鲁 周婷 钟桂林 滕梦乔 刘勇 聂盛杰 刘平平 贾璐 邓海鹰 王一 夏铄铭 陆晓飞 陈景形 李菲 李思儒 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:96

一万年以后是一部动作,动画,奇幻片,环境恶化、资源枯竭、道德沦丧,人类文明在一场毁灭性的灾难后,湮灭殆尽,整个星球满目疮痍。历经万年,许多部落和新物种诞生并繁衍,西域孕育出一个全新的文明 。新人类将上一纪元称为“上古”,曾毁灭上古文明的巨大能量被封存在一个叫“众神遗迹”的禁地。   一万年以后,乌族的部落首领“乌神”从众神遗迹窃取了上古魔法,为了满足自己的野心,居然想让地球重回邪恶的上古时代;小女孩珠玛在西域各部落勇士支持和帮助下跨过千难万险,前往古格找寻抗击乌神的办法,与此同时,西域最后的堡垒-伽罗城正与乌神的乌罗大军展开终极之战。

Hundreds of thousands of years after the collapse of civilization, the world is a post-tech wasteland, and is inhabited by humanoid tribes. The Peace held between them is threatened by the return of Wushen, an evil shape-shifting ghost of modern technology. Wushen threatens to enslave the world population. Zhuma, a ten-year-old girl is the heroine of the story, accompanied by Zhanggong, her lion-like Tibetan Mastiff dog. Chosen, and helped by a ethereal goddess she must assemble a band of allies from the surviving tribes to fight Wushen, and stop him from gaining control over an ancient power.

一句话评论:《一万年以后》是奇葩还是神作?。七年磨一剑,全磨在剑柄上。好意思吗一直什么超越阿凡达堪比蒂姆·波顿嘴形都对不上你好意思吗!!!。导演一意淫,观众就受罪。我被片名坑了~。编剧,你们是给游戏写剧本的吗?。这只是一个吐槽集!【含剧透!!!】。豆包真的不能当干粮 乱炖不是此次都美味(仅从预告片层面)。形式大于内容的典型国产烂片。中国式魔幻的架空剧情建议。
