出嫁的妈妈(2010) オカンの嫁入り/老妈出嫁啰(台) / 妈妈要出嫁 / Here Comes The Bride, My Mom!

更新:2024-01-21 02:01:48
年份: 2010  / 地区: 日本 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.0分 / IMDB:6.4分
演员:宫崎葵 大竹忍 桐谷健太 绘泽萠子 国村隼 
语言:日语  / 片长:110

出嫁的妈妈是一部剧情片,位于关西的某个平凡小镇,居住着一对相依为命、宛如密友般的母女。母亲森井阳子(大竹しのぶ 饰)是某个诊所的护士,丈夫在女儿降生前意外身亡,她独自拉扯女儿长大;女儿月子(宮崎あおい 饰)乖巧伶俐,原本是一家公司的职员,却因遭到同僚男性的粗暴对待而患上外出恐惧症,从此宅在家中长达1年时间。某个大雨瓢泼的夜晚,酒醉的阳子带着一个衣着轻浮庸俗、染着黄毛的男子回家。更令月子难以接受的是,阳子竟然宣称要和这个名叫服部研二(桐谷健太 饰)的30男子结婚!森井家似乎就此陷入混乱,而在这一过程中,月子也发现了母亲隐藏许久的秘密……   本片根据咲乃月音的原著小说《さくら色 オカンの嫁入り》改编。

45-year-old nurse and mother Yoko lives with her only daughter Tsukiko. The duo has a tight relationship that resembles more best friends rather than mother and daughter. Tsukiko's father passed away before she was born and since that time Yoko has always stated Tsukiko's father would be the first and last man she will marry. One evening, Yoko, who is drunk, brings home 30 year old Hattori Kenji and they both sleep outside on the porch. The next morning, Tsukiko becomes confused by the situation and becomes even confused when her mother announces that she will marry the much younger Hattori Kenji. Kenji, who has dyed blond hair, used to be a chef, but doesn't currently hold a job. Tsukiko is shocked by the situation and runs over to her neighbor/landlord Saku's home. Tsukiko then shuts herself off from her mother and her new boyfriend. Meanwhile, people around them try to repair Yoko and Tsukiko's relationship, but there's also a secret between Yoko and Tsukiko.

