同居相亲大作战 第一季(2020) Five Guys a Week/一周五男

更新:2020-10-20 07:10:02
年份: 2020  / 地区: 英国 
类型:真人秀  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:5.8分
导演:Dave Waterman 
演员:Frances Barber 
语言:英语  / 片长:
同居相亲大作战 第一季剧情介绍

同居相亲大作战 第一季是一部真人秀片,英国 Channel 4 电视台推出的一档恋爱真人秀节目,女主角会邀请五位男士同时入住到自己家里一周,通过交谈和相处决定对他们的喜爱程度,进行淘汰,直到留下最后一位相亲成功。   The extraordinary dating show that puts the woman in charge. One single girl invites five guys who are looking for love to move into her home and live with her for a week... all at the same time.

The men will go everywhere with their host en-masse: whether that's to work, on a night out with mates, or for dinner with the parents, with a combination of fixed rig and roaming cameras following all the action.

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