动物保卫战2(2019) Zoo Wars 2/动物园大战2

更新:2022-03-25 11:03:42
年份: 2019  / 地区: 美国 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:2.2分
导演:James Snider Evan Tramel 
演员:Thomas Freeley Bobbi Maxwell Maria Petrano Carmen Piroli Kj Schrock Martin Singer 
语言:英语  / 片长:84

动物保卫战2是一部动画片,在Nice Side和Mice Side之间休战之后,Zooverse已经进入了一个和平的时代。邪恶的老鼠Boo Boo Squeal决心违反该和平条约,并不惜一切代价重启战争。 Nice Side英雄,Nuke和B-52被迫自生自灭,挫败了Boo Boo的复仇仆从并用他们所拥有的一切来捍卫Zooverse。

In the wake of a truce between the Nice Side and the Mice Side, the Zooverse has settled into an era of peace. The villainous mouse, Boo Boo Squeal, is determined to violate that peace treaty, and restart war at any cost. Nice Side heroes, Nuke and B-52, are forced to fend for themselves, thwarting Boo Boo's vengeful minions and defending the Zooverse with everything they've got.
