带来灵魂:电影(2019) Bring The Soul: The Movie/

更新:2019-08-19 08:08:21
年份: 2019  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:纪录片 音乐 歌舞  / 豆瓣:9.1分 / IMDB:7.4分
演员:金硕珍 闵玧其 郑号锡 金南俊 朴智旻 金泰亨 田柾国 
语言:韩语  / 片长:103

带来灵魂:电影是一部纪录片,音乐,歌舞片,据媒体报道防弹少年团 第三部演唱会电影《Bring the Soul:The Movie》确定将于8月7日全球同步上映并公开了海报。据悉,该电影记录了防弹少年团从首尔开始经过众多的城市,结束漫长的欧洲巡演后在围坐在巴黎一个小小的屋顶举行属于他们自己的庆祝宴的模样。   另外,《Bring the Soul:The Movie》将展现防弹少年团7名成员各样的魅力,他们率真坦诚的面貌将带给观众心动和感动,该片将于8月7日上映。

Following their landmark "Love Yourself" tour, BTS triumphantly returns to cinema screens. Shining brighter than any light on the stage, now the group invite us behind the spotlight. On the day following the final concert of their Europe tour, on a rooftop in Paris, BTS tells their very own stories from experiencing new cities to performing in front of thousands of ARMY across the globe. A glimpse into BTS' world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from the tour, this is a cinema event not to be missed. The journey of BTS continues!

一句话评论:"Please use BTS to love yourself."。人生仅此一次的防弹少年团被好好的记录下来了。

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