爱上百分百英雄(1997) 愛上百份百英雄/爱上100%英雄 / 警界男儿 / We Are No Bad Guys

更新:2024-01-21 03:01:02
年份: 1997  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:喜剧 动作  / 豆瓣:6.4分 / IMDB:5.2分
演员:郑伊健 陈小春 梁咏琪 徐若瑄 方中信 罗家英 林建明 陈惠敏 林尚义 
语言:粤语  / 片长:96

爱上百分百英雄是一部喜剧,动作片,飞机(郑伊健 饰)本是个上进的警员,在一次行动中杀手天使(方中信 饰)杀死了证人以及飞机的女友后,飞机性情大变。新被调到CID的警察火鸡(陈小春 饰)被安排与飞机拍档,生性乐观的他积极鼓励颓废的飞机,两人友情大增。火鸡遇见了梦中情人小明星小婷(徐若萱 饰),却收到她的求救信息,原来小婷被高利贷抓走了。飞机更认识了小婷的朋友小曼(梁咏琪 饰),小曼跟飞机死去的女友样子几乎一模一样。火鸡为了能接近小婷,提出要保护两个女孩子。当他们4人都沉醉在爱情的甜蜜时,杀手天使计划要杀死四人……

Plane is a troubled cop who hits the skids when his girlfriend Carrie gets killed by a stoic hitman named Angel. One year later he finds himself saddled with new partner Turkey, an immature cop who's in love with up-and-coming idol singer Siu Lin. Turkey also has a wacky father who thinks he's James Bond and has tons of gadgets to prove it. There are the usual growing pains as the two partners learn to like and trust one another. Then things go bad when Angel returns to settle some scores. Figuring into this is Siu Lin, who catches a glimpse of Angel's face. Frightened, she enlists the help of computer expert Mandy. Mandy is a dead ringer for Carrie, and Plane falls head over heels as he discovers that Mandy is his 100% girl. What that means is that she's everything Carrie was, and even more.

