乱世英杰(1936) The Plainsman/乱世英雄

更新:2019-07-10 08:07:09
年份: 1936  / 地区: 美国 
类型:爱情 传记 历史 战争 西部  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.9分
演员:加里·库珀 琪恩·亚瑟 詹姆斯·埃利森 
语言:英语  / 片长:113

With the end of the North American Civil War, the manufacturers of repeating rifles find a profitable means of making money selling the weapons to the North American Indians, using the front man John Lattimer to sell the rifles to the Cheyenne. While traveling in a stagecoach with Calamity Jane and William "Buffalo Bill" Cody and his young wife Louisa Cody that want to settle down in Hays City managing a hotel, Wild Bill Hickok finds the guide Breezy wounded by arrows and telling that the Indians are attacking a fort using repeating rifles. Hickok meets Gen. George A. Custer that assigns Buffalo Bill to guide a troop with ammunition to help the fort. Meanwhile the Cheyenne kidnap Calamity Jane, forcing Hickok to expose himself to rescue her.
