幸福的黄手帕(美版)(2008) The Yellow Handkerchief/幸福的黄手绢 / 美版幸福的黄手帕


幸福的黄手帕(美版)是一部剧情,爱情片,美国好莱坞一家电影公司翻拍上世纪70年代的日本电影名作《幸福的黄手帕》。   日本电影大师山田洋次12日在新闻发布会上说,好莱坞要翻拍这部由他1977年导演的电影,让他“深受感动”。他希望美国版的《黄手帕》能够有力地传达影片的信息。   山田洋次介绍说,美国版《黄手帕》将由尤达扬·普拉萨德执导,制片人由阿瑟·科恩担任。新影片将于3月在美国路易斯安那州开拍,预计2009年春可在日本上映。   《幸福的黄手帕》改编自美国小说家皮特·哈米尔的作品,讲述了一名刚出狱的囚犯与一直在北海道等候着他的妻子的故事。日本演员高仓健在片中成功地塑造了获释囚犯的形象,该片当年曾在日本和中国等地掀起热潮。

One lazy afternoon in a backwater Louisiana town, Martine takes a leap into an unfamiliar convertible. The driver, Gordy, an awkward young itinerant who eyed her in the diner earlier, isn't displeased to find this pretty sylph in his front seat. Soon they meet Brett, a laconic, humble man just released from prison. Martine isn't keen on going solo with Gordy, and now it's raining cats and dogs, so she invites Brett along, and the unlikely trio sets out, each person unsure of the destination. What ensues is a journey through the lush green byways of rural Louisiana and into the depths of these characters' souls.

