进化岛(2015) Évolution/Evolution

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:50
年份: 2015  / 地区: 法国  
类型:剧情 科幻 恐怖  / 豆瓣:5.8分 / IMDB:6.1分
演员:罗珊妮·杜兰 茱莉-玛丽·帕芒提耶 尼西姆·勒纳尔 
语言:法语  / 片长:81


Nicolas is a boy living on a remote island set in the future, or another planet - or is it a dream? His village consists of white-painted houses located above the sea with a volcanic rock and black sand coastline, populated by young women and boys all of a similar age to Nicolas. Whilst swimming, Nicolas makes a discovery in the ocean, which is shrugged off my his mother, who, like all the women in the town has tied-back hair, is pale and wears a simple thin beige dress. Nicolas is curious, thinks that he is being lied to and starts to explore his environment, witnessing some unsettling scenes. He then finds himself taken to a hospital-like building where he along, with the others, undergoes a series of medical procedures by the women, dressed as nurses. He is befriended by one nurse, who becomes instrumental in the film's denouement. The film is not easy to categorise; it is not only enigmatic but beautifully filmed with deeply poetic imagery. It reflects the fear of the unknown, experienced by a boy on the cusp of adolescence.

