神鞭(1986)/The Magic Braid

更新:2023-03-25 02:03:58
年份: 1986  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:动作 历史 古装  / 豆瓣:7.1分 / IMDB:6.2分
演员:王亚为 徐守莉 陈宝国 张嬿 
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:95

神鞭是一部动作,历史,古装片,清朝末年,天津城了出现一个恶霸地痞——玻璃花(陈宝国 饰),他无恶不作、欺行霸市。一日,卖豆腐的老实人傻二(王亚为 饰)和玻璃花较上了劲,争执中傻二甩开自己的辫子还击,玻璃花被抽得毫无还手之力,落荒而逃。不日玻璃花纠集了一伙武林高手来找傻二寻仇,憨二照样甩开自己又粗又长的还击,竟然打败了一众高手!从此“神鞭”傻二的名声传扬开来。八国联军入侵时,傻二加入了义和团,“神鞭”歼敌无数,立下了赫赫战功……

Soy bean vendor Sha'er is forced to use his unique kung fu skills against community bullying by local hooligan Sanye and his thugs. Sha'er's special Huixnquan-style kung fu was practiced by Buddhists in the earlier Qing dynasty under the mantra "no matter what changes, we can adapt to it". This particular kung fu featured the use of the proponent's long plait of hair in self-defense which Sha'er puts to good use against the thugs. He is then recruited to the HuCheng Battalion to train soldiers in kung fu and leads them in battles to rebel against the influence of the western foreigners in their country.

一句话评论:管他年来苦乐。有真材实料的电影,有魅力的故事,有艺术价值的作品。辫子被轰没了。。《神鞭》中那个年代的思潮。。境界水平低的看别人的影评去。无中生有方为神。神鞭——比较遥远的记忆。爱民族是千年血脉传承。唯变,万世不变。一沙一世界 一影一乾坤。

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