塔洛(2015)/ཐར་ལོ། / Tharlo

更新:2024-01-21 04:01:42
年份: 2015  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:7.7分 / IMDB:7分
演员:西德尼玛 杨秀措 
语言:藏语  / 片长:123
上映时间:2016-12-09(中国大陆) / 2015-09-05(威尼斯电影节)

塔洛是一部剧情片,孤儿塔洛牧羊维生,他是记忆世界的国王,记得所有的事情,但他却是真实生活的边缘人,没人记得他,连他的名字都忘记了,只唤他小辫子。直到他遇到理髮馆女孩,第一次被人记得,第一次爱,那就是存在的开始。塔洛开始一场爱情,很多惊奇,大多失望,见天地,望众生,然后回到自己。辫子失去了还会长回来,那关于这个世界呢?总是需要一次离开,然后才知道归来。   改编自导演万玛才旦短篇小说,聚焦藏人生活景况,以黑白影像粗粝质感勾勒出西藏大地的苍凉,更缩影这一代藏族青年的内心迷惘。在心灵的高原上壮游,以为走得那麽远,其实仍踌躇传统原生文化与现代文明间,欲离何曾离,云空未必空。

Tharlo is an orphan. Now grown up, he makes a living as a sheep herder in the village. He has grown a ponytail, so people simply call him "Ponytail", since nobody remembers his real name anyway. Tharlo has a remarkable memory. He remembers so many things, except his own name. He is now in his forties, and he has yet to have his first woman. Now Tharlo goes to town to take a photo for his identity card. He meets a girl in the barber's shop who changes the course of his life. He embarks on the journey to find his true self. He sells all his sheep and those entrusted by other villagers to him for care, and decides to use the money to go out into the world with the girl, only to find himself being deceived and cheated by her. Ironically, in his journey of self-discovery, Tharlo has lost his sense of self. As he witnesses in the mirror his ponytail being cut off and leaving him bald, he can no longer see himself as a man with a history that he recognizes.

一句话评论:未尽的“拉伊” ——关于万玛才旦电影《塔洛》。对话万玛才旦:“西藏赵本山”剪掉了那条有名的小辫子。延时的憧憬。塔洛导演烦死了,你这是拍一部朴实的西藏电影该放的招吗?!。我就写几个我感触深的点吧。近乎离题。我们审片《塔洛》。导演的一些话在映后交流会上。若没发现世界的此般变化 无数个夜也不会如此寂寥。轻如鸿毛。
